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            Market Prediction of Global Lighting Technology

            editor:HUIZHOU CITY FUSHENG LIGHTING&ELECTRIC CO.,LTD   Tme:2016-08-22 10:06:05    Click:


            In recent years, brand-name manufacturers from Japan and Euro-America have been launching LED lamps to scramble for business opportunities under the policy that each nation announces in succession phasing out incandescent lamps. Especially with the good conditions on Japan’s subsidized policy to stimulate consumers and to speed up  simultaneous pace with the prices of fluorescent lamps, so Japan’s lighting market has been becoming global one as a promotion standard index.
            However, according to Euro-America lighting policy to phase out energy-inefficient incandescent lamps as well as timetable, a criterion of illuminant efficiency is set up from 100 high watts to low watt progressive illuminants. European Union formally imposes limitations on ordinary 40-60 watt household incandescent lamps with a deadline of year 2013-2014, while USA has set strict limits on 40-60 watt incandescent lamp gradually being phased out of use from 2014 on. By then, there will have been obviously increasing application proportion of fluorescent lamps and LED lamps between two major regional markets.
            Estimation of LED lighting will account for over 10%total output value of lighting markets in 2012. On that occasion, OLED will surpass 1% market share. By2015, most fluorescent lamp markets will have been capturing with the increase of LED lighting illuminating efficiency, illuminant quality and competitive power,  and LED market share will quickly break through 30% as well as 5%OLED market share. By 2020, LED lighting market penetration will have been overtaking half lighting markets as well as 10% further OLED market share.

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